The 64th Sanibel Symposium will address a selection of topics that seem poised for critical future development.
All talks should be directed at a rather interdisciplinary audience, consisting of chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and a few molecular biologists. It is also valuable if particular applications and their comparison with experimental results are reviewed briefly, whenever doing so is relevant to the subject.
The discussions will be free and unrecorded. A Plenary lecture consists of a 35 minute talk, with 5 minutes of questions and answers, for a total of 40 minutes. An Invited lecture consists of a 25 minute talk, with 5 minutes of questions and answers, for a total of 30 minutes. An Oral Contributed lecture consists of a 12 minute talk, with 3 minutes for questions and answers, for a total of 15 minutes. A timer will be visible to the speakers and each assigned session chair will facilitate the talks.
Please note that it is recommended that each lecturer allow for one or two minutes extra to add to the discussion time of the presentation. The organizers thank the lecturers in advance for their participation and for contributing to the success of the 64th (2025) Sanibel Symposium.
Abstract Submittal
View the Abstract Instructions.
Submission of Manuscripts
You are encouraged to submit your manuscript for the Sanibel Proceedings. For additional information please see the Proceedings & Manuscripts section on our web site or contact us at the registration desk at the Symposium.