Poster presentation slots are assigned based upon dates of registration and payment of registration fees. You can request a poster slot when you register online. Please prepare an abstract, one per participant due to space and time, as instructed in abstract instructions and submit prior to December 22, 2024.
The poster sessions at the Sanibel Symposium are an essential part of the meeting, as they offer an opportunity for exchange of forefront ideas in the field. The following instructions describe the general framework of the poster sessions:
Each poster contribution consists of:
- Abstracts submitted before December 22, 2024 will be available on the web
- Bulletin-board presentation totaling 60 minutes directed at a smaller group of interested people
The presentation of a poster entitles the authors to submit a paper to the proceedings.
A single person can submit multiple posters when the work and the collaborations are different.
Bulletin boards are nearly 5′ (60 inches or 152.4 cm) wide by 3.5′ (42 inches or 106.68 cm) high, constructed of white foam board with a frame (1 inch), in a black stand. Push pins will be provided by the symposium for mounting your presentation. Bulletin board presentations may be posted prior to your session and should be removed immediately following the session.