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Quantum Interferometry Using Entangled Photons

Hao Li1, Andrei Piryatinski2, Jonathan Jerke3, Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada4, Carlos Silva4, and Eric R. Bittner1

1Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, 2Los Alamos National Laboratory, 3Texas Tech University and Texas Southern University, 4Georgia Institute of Technology

I will present our theoretical method of input/output analysis of photon-correlation experiments whereby a quantum mechanically entangled bi-photon state interacts with a material sample placed in one branch of a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer. In particular, we employ the open-system Dicke model to describe an ensemble of quantum emitters, placed in an optical microcavity, interacting with a common cavity photon mode. Our approach connects the photon-counting statistics to the photon transmission function which contains detailed information about interactions with microscopic states in the sample. Our results indicate considerable dynamical information concerning spontaneous symmetry breaking can be revealed with such an experiment system.

[1] H. Li, et al., Quantum Sci. Technol., 3, 015003 (2018)